Friday, March 14, 2008

The Path to The Kingdom

In the 25th chapter of Matthew, Jesus gives us 3 clear examples of ways we can ensure we enter the kingdom and he tells the consequences if we fail:

1. Ten virgins - "Be prepared" or be cut off
2. Ten talents - "Do what you know you should be doing with what has been put in your care" or be thrown into darkness
3. Separating the sheep from goats - "Love one another" or be punished with the fire

I realize that these parables have earthly and heavenly meanings, but eventually we will all have to reap our eternal rewards. Thus the question: Are you on the right path to ensure you enter the kingdom?

The first example of the virgins vividly portrays how we are given the right tools as children of God. All of us have proper earthly vessels, but are we keeping them filled with holy oil? Or do we allow the oil to dry out and thus the the light is lost? If our vessels dry out, when The Father gets ready to use us, we are not prepared in any way to be used. At this point, our lamps are so dry that no fire will ignite. Still sadder is the fact that no one else can fill our vessels for us.

The second example of the stewards who were left with various degrees of wealth is compelling. This wealth could represent our talent, monetary gain or even spiritual gifts. No, not everyone is given the same measure, but with what measure we have, The Father expects us to use it for the uplifting of His kingdom. So many of us get caught up in coveting, feeling sorry for ourselves and living in fear that we accomplish nothing.

The third example of the sheep and goats is the most detrimental. This reveals how we love our fellowmen. Do we show love one to another? Do we recognize anyone's needs besides our own? Do we even seek to notice? When we do notice, what do we do? Being concerned, showing mercy, reaching out, having compassion and giving are all traits of love. Love is action. It's not enough to feel sorry for someone or to cry a few tears or even to just send a donation overseas. We must love those people who we know and see daily. The ones who tend to "get on your nerves" or are always so "needy" or grimy, or whiny , or snobbish, or unattractive, or bossy, or slow, or hyper, or whatever it is that we find less than perfect about them. This is how we show love. You see, love starts at home. Even in your very abode, community, school, city, county, state and country. That's where you start. Love sees a long way past imperfection.

The Son said we would burn forever if we don't love. I don't believe that's a threat. I think it's just the truth. Love is that important. We all need love. No matter how rich or poor. No matter how smart we are. No matter how physically fit. We were all made to give and receive love. Without love, we burn right here on earth with: lust, anger, envy, hatred, covetousness, greed, and a host of other abominable things. On the other hand, with Love comes: joy, peace, acceptance, wealth (not just material), purpose and a host of other good things.

Today, choose to stay filled with God's Spirit. Choose to do what The Father said to do. Choose to love everybody! The reward: A part in the Kingdom on earth and in heaven! Peace and blessings!

About Me

I am a follower of Christ and a daughter of God. I believe that The Bible is the Word of God. I use the KJV version most often. I love The Father so much and The Son! I am so thankful for the gift of The Holy Spirit! I love learning more about the truth each day!

The House of Prayer

We as God's sons and daughters and believers in His Son are all a part of the Church. However, the Church is screaming for the opportunity to worship in spirit and in truth. The Bible clearly states:

“…for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.” Isaiah 56:7

I believe that place is The House of Prayer. I believe that the time for it is NOW! If you'd like to know more about The House of Prayer :

Be blessed! Peace be unto you!

My Blog List

  • Going Before the King - *Esther 4:16*...and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. There are times in all of our lives when...
    13 years ago
  • Fruity Thoughts - You know, I was just reading some postings from a blog by a person on an 80/10/10 diet. If you're not familiar with this concept, click on the "Going Ban...
    14 years ago
