Thursday, February 28, 2008

Speak with Love

"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things,
which is the head, even Christ:" Ephesians 4:15
Some people think it is their duty to tell others "just how it is". To these people, it doesn't matter how they relay their message, but just that they let the person in question know how they feel about whatever!

They often justify their unholy methods by saying things like: " I don't back down to nobody!" or "It's better I let them know to their face than to speak about them behind their back." or even "____ doesn't know who I am, I'm gonna let ____ know exactly how I feel." The problem is, this type of attitude is usually self driven. And more than likely, the person being given "a piece of their mind" is not confronted in a private setting. Usually the person "attacking with truth" has already shared their plan with someone else or has an audience with them. The person being told off is probably someone the attacker knows is no match to them mentally, physically or socially. Or even if they are a match in one or more areas, this is liable to be a person that they dislike. Either way, it's clear that no love will be shown, despite the level of truth.

The Bible clearly tells us that we should "love one another" and we should "speak the truth in love". To do this means we will show consideration and respect to whomever we are speaking to. Just because the truth is told, (negative or positive) it does not have to be done in a rude manner. Anyone who does not speak with love, should know that the Bible says if we hurt one of His little ones, it would be better to put a millstone around our necks and be thrown in the sea! That gives a pretty clear picture of how important it is not to hurt those we perceive as being "weaker" than ourselves.

A few years ago, it was popular to wear bracelets with WWJD on them, which stood for "What would Jesus do?" Maybe persons who are prone to attack others with truth should have this acronym branded onto their wrist. I don't know that the Bible never meant the truth to be used as a weapon to destroy people. As a matter of fact, when Satan tried to tempt Christ, the scriptures he quoted were the truth, but he used them in a distorted way. This is the way of persons who misuse the truth. They use truth in such a way as to tear a person down - in other words, to kill them. Oh yes, there are many ways to kill.

So child of God, if you have been using the truth as your own personal weapon of negative power, you should sit down and do some self evaluating and repenting. That person you think needs a piece of your mind, might be one The Father has sent your way to be gently nudged back on the right path with loving truth. Anyway, none of us need to lose even one cell of our minds. Sons and daughters, speak the truth, but do it with love!

Peace be unto you!

About Me

I am a follower of Christ and a daughter of God. I believe that The Bible is the Word of God. I use the KJV version most often. I love The Father so much and The Son! I am so thankful for the gift of The Holy Spirit! I love learning more about the truth each day!

The House of Prayer

We as God's sons and daughters and believers in His Son are all a part of the Church. However, the Church is screaming for the opportunity to worship in spirit and in truth. The Bible clearly states:

“…for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.” Isaiah 56:7

I believe that place is The House of Prayer. I believe that the time for it is NOW! If you'd like to know more about The House of Prayer :

Be blessed! Peace be unto you!

My Blog List

  • Going Before the King - *Esther 4:16*...and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. There are times in all of our lives when...
    13 years ago
  • Fruity Thoughts - You know, I was just reading some postings from a blog by a person on an 80/10/10 diet. If you're not familiar with this concept, click on the "Going Ban...
    14 years ago
